Financial advice for people like you.

Client: Natalie
Age: 36
Position: Vascular surgeon
Situation: Single, post-training, $50k in credit card debt, $550k in student loans
Service chosen: One-time financial plan, then transitioned into ongoing advice

Lastly, as part of my role as a financial planner, I conduct deep research and in this situation, it turned out that they had two years worth of full time work at a nonprofit in between undergrad and medical school. With the recent PSLF waiver rules (which were temporary) we were able to get the work included.

Just recently, they found out that all $550,000 worth of their federal student loans were forgiven.

Clients: Pam & Phil
Ages: 45 and 44
Positions: Physicians
Situation: Both have student loans, one is not going to go for PSLF, the other one is still in training
Service chosen: One-time financial plan
Financial snapshot

The Comprehensive Financial Plan

A quick look at what we can do when working together:

Urgent Matters

Addressing the most important areas in your life first

Retirement & Investing

Creating a plan for existing & future investment goals

Cash Flow

Getting a clear understanding of where your money's going

Debt & Savings

Paying off & saving for college and other life liabilities

Contract Review

Taking a closer look at your benefits and payscale

Insurance Analysis

Reviewing any policies & providing a path forward

For Medical students and physicians in training, we offer an In-Training Financial Strategy Session for $700, providing a 60-minute consultation with Ronnie to address your top financial concerns. The service includes a targeted review of your financial situation and a follow-up email with personalized advice and actionable steps.